Thursday, January 28, 2010

and then i walked 13 miles.....

HI...this is a week later than planned. I kind of have been making this post for a week. mi dispiace.So Sunday (not last Sunday, the Sunday before that) my teacher Jan Gadeyne (who apparently is famous) took us all (half the program) on a little walk around the wall of Rome. 13 miles. omfg. And of course he's not human and decided to walk like a madman the entire way. I call him Jan for short. he doesn't know yet, but we're best friends, lol.
This is Jan (pronounced: Yahn). He is my history of ancient Rome professor. He's Belgian, thus awesome.

Only one of many great pieces of graffiti decorating all of Rome. This pic was taken in San Lorenzo, I think. Where all the college students hang.

"Fight racism!" yay! point in favor of the Romans :)

The view from the top of Trastevere

An angel on a bridge crossing the Tiber. Forget what the angel is of.

Ancient port-a-potty, 50 ft up in the air, attached to the wall of ancient Rome. Serously

Jan, calling the troops

More "amore" in Rome. There's PDA EVERYWHERE.

Masterman represent!

"congratulations my love"

and 2 days before I met an australian who was extremely happy to find english speakers (never met a person so excited to see americans),
and a dominican
(Forget his name)

and then we met an italian,


did something really unsafe, got stopped by the carabinieri and had late night croissants. successo!!!!!

fino a un'altro tempo, ciao da Italia
Kendra, Kate e MOI

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

learned how to say a new curse in italian......

THE Vagina Coat made it to Rome! The Romans have made contact with the vagina coat!

I should be asleep, but since the internet just started working in the residence I decided it might be a cool time to blog....or something
New updates.....ummm.....

On Sunday, we went to this quaint little town called Todi about 2 hours outside of Rome. It kinda looked like Sleepy Hollow with all the mist and barren trees lurking around.

The highlight was the 6 (it might've been more) course meal we had right outside Todi in a town called (i'm probably wrong) Togniano. Anyways I took pictures. There was so much food and wine and I felt like I was going to explode by the end of it.

Meal of Champions:
prosciutto, bacon and some other pork product I probably shouldn't be eating.......this was after the 5 pizza hors d'oeuvres outside....omg. love

cheese pie

since I was at the vegetarian table I got 2 pasta options. the green stuff is egg and spinach noodles with mushrooms. The other is pasta with some type of meat (sausage maybe) and tomato sauce.


chicken and lamb with potatoes, right after our salad

dessert wine with biscotti's

Oh and I made a friend-ish. Well on facebook.... I made an italian
friend..... :) Armando

Until next time. Ciao
Penis knob!!!!! (lol)

PS- Tomorrow I'm going to see a play by Pirandello called "Sei Personaggi in cerca d'autore"(6 Characters in search of an author)

They say that treasure is money, diamonds, etc.... My only treasure is you... (So Cute !!!)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Ciao Filadelfia! Allo Italia!
some random street

Today I went to Le Scale di Spagna and la Fontana Trevi. 'Twas the first day of orientation. Met a bunch of people.
La Fontana di Trevi

OMFG! on the plane to london. there was this girl from sierra leone. i only know because 10 minutes in she happened to look at me and i spoke to her for 30 seconds. anyw
ayz she was so tense and nervous the whole time. she was soooo scary.
1) she didn't talk to me.
2) she had her coat on the whole time. it was a 7 hour flight
3) she would wake up in her sleep every hour with a jolt or shake or slight epileptic seizure, i wasn't sure.
4) in the first 3 minutes of me sitting there she pulled out a piece of tin foil from her pocket, peeled it back to reveal a yelllow stick. she then proceeded to chew it nervously, like it was poisonous. she sneered at me after i glanced at her.

and then it got worse. in the last hour of the flight, as we're starting to land, she starts throwing up. she nervously tugged her coat closed, laid her head on the seat in front of her and even gave me an attitude when i offered her my water like i should've offered
hours ago. so glad that flight wasn't longer.

the second flight was awesome tho. 3 hours, slept for most of it.

so now in rome, being awesome. my first meal of pheasant in cogn
ac and some other sauce. it was awesome. except i don't know how to cut a pheasant, so i looked like a kindergartner sawing at the bird.

thing i learned: they give you a free alcoholic aperitivo at the end of the meal. going on alcohol content, its like a flavored vodka. i tried the limoncello and the som
see. they do like us :)

no, we didn't finish this off. we only had a bottle of wine and a glass of one of the others.
